Wide leg socks

Do the socks squeeze from the ankle or are your feet tending to swell during the day? The solution to this problem is the wide Lestical socks. 

Wide Lestical Socks are knit less than normal socks, making them well suited to the foot model, which is wider on the foot. Often, these socks are also uninitiated along the stalk, giving you a pleasant feeling for the whole leg.


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3 products

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Geta - wide-leg and non-stretch socks, merino wool Sale price13,05€Merinovilla hengittää - Pitää jalat lämpiminä ja kuivina
Sukkamestarit | Namma - leveä lestiset ja kiristämättömät sukat, bambua
Namma - Wide-leg and non-stretch socks, bamboo Sale price8,00€Extra pehmeä rakenne - Imee kosteuden jalalta
Sukkamestarit | Lipo - pihkasukat, merinovillaaSukkamestarit | Lipo - pihkasukat, merinovillaa
Lipo - socks, merino wool Sale price15,10€Ohut rakenne – Miellyttävän tuntuinen iholla

Do your socks pinch at the bottom of your feet or do your feet tend to swell during the day? The solution to this problem is a wide leg sock. 

Wide leg socks are knitted looser than normal socks, making them a good fit for a foot shape that is wider at the foot. Often these socks are also shankless, giving you a comfortable feel throughout the leg.

Material options include merino wool or bamboo. Both materials are breathable and pleasantly soft. This is important if your skin is thinned or prone to ulcers. Merino wool is also warming and actively adapts to the ambient temperature, warming with cold and cooling with warm. Merino wool socks wick moisture away from the skin, keeping it dry.

Bamboo, meanwhile, brings a silky soft feel to your skin. Bamboo socks are popular "sleep socks" precisely because of the softness of the material. As a material, bamboo is cool to the touch, making it best suited to hot conditions.