Socks for sweaty feet

A lover of sweating legs is breathable and moisture -moving socks. So turn your gaze into the socks. Merino wool combined with technical artificial fibers is a great option for sweating feet all year round. For Merino wool socks you will find options for both summer and winter weather.


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27 products

Sukkamestarit | Jaako - hikisiepparisukat, merinovillaa
Jaako - sweat socks, merino wool Sale price11,05€Ohut 2-kerrosrakenne - Sopii napakkaan kenkään
Sukkamestarit | Juva - hikisiepparisukat, merinovillaa
Juva - sweat socks, merino wool Sale price11,05€3-kerrosrakenne - Pitää jalat lämpiminä ja kuivina
Sukkamestarit | Aare - hikisiepparisukat, bambua
Aare - sweat socks, bamboo Sale price10,00€Ohut 2-kerrosrakenne - Sopii napakkaan kenkään
Sukkamestarit | Raala - hikisiepparisukat, merssipuuvillaaSukkamestarit | Raala - hikisiepparisukat, merssipuuvillaa
Raala - sweat socks, mercer cotton Sale price11,05€Pehmeä materiaali - Ei kutita sopii herkällekin iholle
Sukkamestarit | Vahto - nilkkasukat, bambua
Watchman - ankle socks, bamboo Sale price8,00€Ohut rakenne – Miellyttävän tuntuinen iholla
Product of the month -10%Teams choice
UphillSport | Malla - liner-sukat ulkoiluunUphillSport | Malla - liner-sukat ulkoiluun
Malla - liner socks for outdoor activities Sale price15,10€Thin texture - Comfortable on the skin
Teams choice
UphillSport | Teijo - liner-sukat ulkoiluunUphillSport | Teijo - liner-sukat ulkoiluun
Teijo - liner socks for outdoor activities Sale price15,10€Thin texture - Comfortable on the skin
Teams choice
UphillSport | Posio - tekniset merinovillasukat vaellukseenUphillSport | Posio - tekniset merinovillasukat vaellukseen
Posio - technical merino wool socks for hiking Sale price15,10€3-layer construction - Keeps feet warm and dry
Teams choice
Sukkamestarit | Sport - tennissukat, merinovillaaSport - tennis socks, merino wool
Sport - tennis socks, merino wool Sale price15,10€Sports structure with elastic materials - Comfortable against the skin
Sukkamestarit | Naatu - kiristämättömät sukat, bambuaSukkamestarit | Naatu - kiristämättömät sukat, bambua
Naatu - untightened socks, bamboo Sale price7,00€Ohut rakenne – Miellyttävän tuntuinen iholla
Sukkamestarit | Namma - leveä lestiset ja kiristämättömät sukat, bambua
Namma - Wide-leg and non-stretch socks, bamboo Sale price8,00€Extra pehmeä rakenne - Imee kosteuden jalalta
Sukkamestarit | Laapi - nilkkasukat, bambuaSukkamestarit | Laapi - nilkkasukat, bambua
Laapi - ankle socks, bamboo Sale price7,00€Ohut ja saumaton rakenne - Sopii napakkaan kenkään
Save 10%
UphillSport | Vaaru - tekniset villapohjasukat vaellukseenUphillSport | Vaaru - tekniset villapohjasukat vaellukseen
Vaaru - technical wool socks for hiking Sale price18,10€ Regular price20,15€4-layer construction for moisture wicking - Keeps feet warm and dry
UphillSport | Virva - tekniset bambusukat retkeilyynUphillSport | Virva - tekniset bambusukat retkeilyyn
Virva - technical bamboo socks for camping Sale price15,10€Extra soft texture - Absorbs moisture from the foot
Sukkamestarit | Leta - nilkkasukat, bambua
Leta - ankle socks, bamboo Sale price7,00€Ohut ja saumaton rakenne - Sopii napakkaan kenkään
Save 10%
UphillSport | Frost trail - tekniset merinovillasukat juoksuunUphillSport | Frost trail - tekniset merinovillasukat juoksuun
Frost trail - technical merino wool socks for running Sale price15,40€ Regular price17,10€Thin 2-layer construction - Fits snug shoe
UphillSport | Combat bamboo - tekniset bambusukat tactical-käyttöönUphillSport | Combat bamboo - tekniset bambusukat tactical-käyttöön
Combat bamboo - technical bamboo socks for tactical use Sale price15,10€3-layer construction - Keeps feet warm and dry
UphillSport | Combat merino - tekniset merinovillasukat tactical-käyttöönUphillSport | Combat merino - tekniset merinovillasukat tactical-käyttöön
Combat merino - technical merino wool socks for tactical use Sale price20,15€3-layer construction - Keeps feet warm and dry
UphillSport | Operator crew - tekniset villapohjasukat tactical-käyttöönUphillSport | Operator crew - tekniset villapohjasukat tactical-käyttöön
Operator crew - technical wool socks for tactical use Sale price20,15€4-layer construction for moisture wicking - Keeps feet warm and dry
UphillSport | Operator knee - tekniset villapohjasukat tactical-käyttöönUphillSport | Operator knee - tekniset villapohjasukat tactical-käyttöön
Operator knee - technical wool socks for tactical use Sale price30,25€4-layer construction for moisture wicking - Keeps feet warm and dry
UphillSport | Viita - tekniset villapohjasukat vaellukseenUphillSport | Viita - tekniset villapohjasukat vaellukseen
Viita - technical wool socks for hiking Sale price17,10€4-layer construction for moisture wicking - Keeps feet warm and dry
UphillSport | Operator calf - tekniset villapohjasukat tactical-käyttöönUphillSport | Operator calf - tekniset villapohjasukat tactical-käyttöön
Operator calf - technical wool socks for tactical use Sale price25,20€4-layer construction for moisture wicking - Keeps feet warm and dry
New in
UphillSport | Merinostep - merinovillasukat juoksuunUphillSport | Merinostep - merinovillasukat juoksuun
Merinostep - merino wool socks for running Sale price17,10€Merino wool as main material - Improves breathability for extra softness and warmth
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UphillSport | Merinofit - merinovillasukat juoksuunUphillSport | Merinofit - merinovillasukat juoksuun
Merinofit - merino wool socks for running Sale price17,10€Thin and seamless construction - Fits snug shoe
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Ena - short stem socks, merino woolEna - short stem socks, merino wool
Ena - short stem socks, merino wool Sale price13,05€Merino wool breathes - Keeps feet warm and dry
UphillSport | Winter XC - tekniset villapohjasukat juoksuunUphillSport | Winter XC - tekniset villapohjasukat juoksuun
Winter XC - technical wool socks for running Sale price15,10€Thin 2-layer construction - Fits snug shoe
Rajoitettu erä!Tanskan puolustusvoimien valinta New in
Contact-liner - technical merino wool socks, merino wool
Contact-liner - technical merino wool socks, merino wool Sale price18,10€Merino wool breathes - Keeps feet warm and dry

The friend of sweaty feet is breathable and moisture-wicking socks. Sukkamestarit has developed its own unique 3- and 4-layer construction, which uses knitting technology to layer different materials to make the most of the properties of all materials.

In a multi-layered sock, it is the function of the different layers that is essential. The first layer wicks moisture away from the skin (e.g. propylene), the second layer warms/cools and transfers moisture to the outer layers (e.g. merino wool), the third layer creates flexibility. If there is a fourth layer in the sock, its role is to provide additional warmth and wick away moisture.

Multilayer socks are particularly suitable for sports and outdoor activities. For everyday use we recommend thin merino wool socks. Merino wool is breathable and keeps your feet dry. If your feet sweat a lot, merino wool feels dry even when wet. It also dries quickly.

For sweaty feet, we do not recommend materials that absorb a lot of moisture, such as cotton.