Socks that feel like life -blog

Miten valita parhaat sukat lapselle?
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Miten valita parhaat sukat lapselle?

Lastenkin sukkavalinnassa homma lähtee käyntiin käyttötarkoituksesta ja sen myötä materiaalista. Usein ajatellaan, että sukat ovat vain ”sukat”, eikä sukkavalinnoilla jokapäiväisessä elämässä ole j...

Vinkkejä sukan valintaanRatkaisu lasten paleleviin jalkoihin

The solution to children's cold feet

Do your children's feet often feel cold, especially in the changing weather of autumn and winter? Do you feel that no matter how much you invest in decent winter shoes, you can't find shoes that ar...

Vinkkejä sukan valintaanPihka-sukista hoivaa kuiville, jopa halkeileville jaloille

Socks from Pihka care for dry, even cracked feet

Do you have dry or even cracked heels? The cold and dry winter weather is one of the "enemies" of our skin and often the skin on our feet is hard. In nature, socks repair conifer wounds and protect...

Vinkkejä sukan valintaanSukat hikoileville jaloille

Socks for sweaty feet

Your feet sweat and your socks often feel damp. The reason may be the material of the sock. Socks made from a highly moisture-wicking material will only make things worse, so at this point, leave t...

Vinkkejä sukan valintaanSukat turvonneille jaloille

Socks for swollen feet

Socks feel tight at the bottom of the foot or on the shank, the ribbing of the sock weighs down and leaves unpleasant marks on your ankle. Or your feet swell throughout the day and the sock doesn't...

Vinkkejä sukan valintaanPakkaskeleillä kylmyys iskee varpaisiin talvikengistä huolimatta - tiesithän, että kaikki lähtee sukkavalinnasta

In freezing temperatures, the cold hits your toes despite wearing winter shoes - you know it's all about the choice of socks

You've probably felt the frost and cold creeping up your feet and wondered why your expensive shoes don't keep you warm enough? It's not just about the footwear at this point. Even good footwear c...